Oculus Rift to offer stereoscopic 3d experience

Virtual Reality gaming headset takes to Kickstarter

A new virtual reality headset for gaming is being taken to Kickstarter in an effort to raise $250,000 in funding for the project.

Created by Oculus, the Rift headset has been designed to produce a stereoscopic 3D experience, and claims to overcome various resolution and latency problems that have previously affected the technology.

As part of the Kickstarter, contributors will receive early development kits that include access to the Oculus Developer Centre, a community for users, and the Oculus Rift SDK that will provide code, samples and documentation.

The headset and SDK will be compatible with PCs and mobile, and the technology can be integrated into new or existing titles.

The company has said it will also be compatible with consoles in future.

“All of us at Oculus are excited to bring truly immersive VR to people who love video games like we do,” said Oculus founder Palmer Luckey.

“Virtual reality has been the long sought after Holy Grail, which most people only ever dreamed of, until now. The Rift is a true game changer that will help make VR the standard for gameplay in the very near future.

“We’ve already gotten great feedback from the press and buy-in from major game developers including id Software, Epic, Unity and Valve. We know the gaming community will be as excited as we all are when they get their hands on it.”

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